NOTE: For the following steps to work, you be on the Mines network. If you want to SSH or use pscp from home, make sure you are connected to the Mines VPN network before attempting. To SSH onto one of the Linux servers on campus through PuTTY, do the following: 1. Open PuTTY. 2. In the "Host Name" field, enter: @ Where is your Mines username and is either or 3. Make sure the port number is 22 and the connection type is SSH. These should already be the default settings. 4. If you would like to save this session so you can SSH later without retyping your username/server, type something in the Saved Sessions field (like "Isengard" or "Imagine") and then click Save. You can later double click on the session name you gave to automatically SSH to the servers. 5. Click Open. To copy a file from a Linux server to a local Windows machine using pscp, do the following FROM YOUR WINDOWS MACHINE: 1. Open a Command Prompt on your WINDOWS machine (not PUTTY). 2. Run the command: pscp @: - your Mines username - the host name of the server you are copying from, in this case either or - the path to the file you want to copy from the Linux server. Use the "pwd" command to find the full path of your current working directory (pscp does not support using the ~ to reference your home directory) - the path where you want to copy the file to your local machine 3. Enter your password when prompted and hit enter. If successfull, the file should now appear on your local machine at the location you specified. For example, say I am copying the file "test.txt" from my home directory ("/u/ca/dc/kellarso") on the Isengard server ("") to the root of my Z drive ("Z:\"). Then I would run the following command: pscp Z:\ Anoter Note: If you are using your own laptop to transfer a file, you might want to try scp as opposed to pscp. In the following, I use the '.' as my destination path in order to place the file in the working directory of my HOST machine: scp .