Give your answer to each question along with the command that yielded that answer. Use only commands that we've talked about. (cut, grep, wc, uniq, sort, sed, tr, head, tail, ...) Get the "Crime Records" data (near bottom of page) from: You'll need to do this to get the newline characters right: tr "\r" "\n" < downloadedfile > newfile Or download the CSV from the course website. Questions: 1. How many crimes happened on the 12th? 2. How many lines in the file don't start with '1'? Which line(s)? 3. Show all addresses and only addresses 4. Show me all house numbers and only house numbers (not the first word of street names) 5. How many code 2299 occurred? 6. Write the descriptions (and nothing else) for all code 2299 to a file 7. Give Lat+Long of every crime with 'THEFT' in the description 8. How many crimes occurred on each day? 9. Which day had most? least? median? 10. Which crime code occurred most? How many times?