CSCI274 - Intro to Linux - Final Exam Review Guide Be familiar with the following topics for the final: Text Editors For your editor of choice, know the keystrokes to: - exit without saving - save without exiting - save and exit - search and replace in the file Terminal basics - Simple file navigation (cd, ls, pwd, mkdir, mv, cp, cat, etc) - Know the meaning of ~, ., and .. - Know the difference between relative and absolute paths - ls and its -a and -l options - wc and its -c, -w, and -l options - rm and its -r option - bash and its -e and -x options - mkdir and its -p option - rmdir - pwd - cat - echo - touch - stat Basic Bash scripting - Command line arguments ($1, $2, etc) - Be able to describe what a simple script does - Be able to write a simple script I/O Manipulation/Redirection - Using the echo command - <, >, >>, 2>, 2>>, and | - What /dev/null is used for Pipelining - grep and its options -e, -v, and -c - head and how to print the first n lines - tail and how to print the last n lines - sort - uniq and how it only removes consecutive duplicate lines - tr and its uses for translation or deletion (with -d) - cut and its options -c, -d, and -f - sed substitutions (including global, e.g., 's/hello/goodbye/g') - wc and its options -l, -m, and -w - Interpret pipelines that combine all of the above commands Permissions - chmod - how to specify permissions using octal digits, e.g., 741 - how to specify permissions directly, e.g., u=rwx,g=r,o=x - the -R option - Identify permissions, owners, and groups from ls -l output - umask - Understand how umask affects default permissions of new files and directories Inodes/Linking - Determine link information (number of hard links, whether a file is a soft link, etc) based on ls -l or stat output - Know the differences between hard links and soft/symbolic links - ln and its -s option Misc - Exit status - How to kill a process by its pid (process id) HINT: Look at question 6 on the practice exam